Saturday, March 29, 2008

Harshajith Halgaswatta

/GSoC:2008 - Proposal

Google Summer of Code 2008 Proposal


Review Application


Harshajith Halgaswatta


Project Title

Review Application


XWiki is a generic wiki platform allowing the development of collaborative applications. It includes a toolkit for the web, supporting a cost-effective solution that allows non-developers to create those required applications quickly and in an organic manner. If one application remain as it is from the orientation and no way to give feed backs regarding to those documents or comments on it, its worth and usability may degrade because it is not updating in a regular manner.

Hence the intention of this project is to give the facility to add reviews (add comments, highlight text, delete text, insert text, with an interface like the one in Adobe Acrobat Professional). Further it gives a way to anchoring reviews without messing with previous reviews. Eventually the authors of document may do required changes according to the reviews.


1. Implementation of Review Application (Client portion and author’s portion)

2. Tests for Review Application according to its adjectives

3. Documentation to support continuation of the project


People once read it and move off if it contain some useless things or it does not include what essentially should be there. Therefore if there is a way to update documents and particular stuff in an easy way according to the reviews of web viewers it will help the authors and the proprietors to remain their web viewers in a stable level.

Therefore this project supposes to provide a review application which leads to add reviews just by clicking on the particular spot of a page and add their reviews. It may be a cumulative or standalone mode. Further it may beneficial giving the chances to view reviews not only by the document author but also the other viewers. Eventually it support a vital pros in point of authors view that they are in a position to edit, delete , remove highlights and comments of reviewers and make changes appropriately just by clicking once.

I hope to develop this project dividing into two modules.

  • First module is the client portion which is indeed giving the facility to add reviews (feedback or comment on the read only document) for a particular document. Also it will support a way for the reviewed data to be anchored, so that later edits won't mess all the reviews.

  • Second module is the Author’s portion .The author can view such a review (or all of them together) and:

  • easily apply "delete" and "insert" changes with one click.

  • easily remove the comments and highlights.

  • while being able to also edit the document.

Project Plan

I have broken down the project under 4 steps as follows.

Step1: Initial Planning and Designing

I would look into the current implementation of Xwiki under this step(velocity and groovy). It would be very important to plan and design how I reach towards predefined objectives. Eventually I would have the skeleton of the implementation.

Estimated Completion: 26th May 2008

Step2: Implementation

The real logic for client and author portion of review application would take into accounts and starts implementation.

Deliverable(s): Prototype and documentation for mid evaluation Estimated Completion: 2nd July 2008

Step3: Modifications and Tests

Modifications or improvements suggested at the mid evaluation would be completed in this step.

Deliverable(s): Prototype including tests Estimated Completion: 6th August 2008

Step4: Final Product and Documents

This step would complete the Review Application. Necessary documents would also be present with the final product.

Deliverable(s): Final product and documentation Estimated Completion: 1st September 2008.


I’m a level 3 undergraduate of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I have participated in some Open Source development.

During my internship I have implemented a member section from the scratch for E-channeling private Ltd, which is the market leader of online channel booking system and first listed company in Colombo stock exchange in Sri Lanka. I implemented the whole member section which included member usage module and member administration module using java upon STRUTS2 framework with Sun Application Server and ORACLE database server. Further I used some XML stuff in case of merchant integration for the site.

I have implemented a managements system for an Internet cafe as my level 3 programming project module at the university. It covered many areas of JAVA (Swing toolkit, Java Network programming, jdic integration, java and XML, Java mail API).I used MySql server in case of this project.

I’m really passionate in java and some web frameworks such as Struts2 and Spring. Thus I found this project really appealing as it lies on the path of my experience. I believe that I have the necessary background knowledge to make this a success. Eventually I hope that my involvement in this project would polish my software engineering skills whilst adding a whole new experience to my career.

Mentor Information

Sergiu Dumitriu, Marta Girdea


http://www. xwiki/article.tss.html

http://www. Xwiki/SecondGenerationWiki.htm


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